A downloadable visual novel for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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The Spanish Privateer is 17th century pirate otome game, setting you in the shoes of 18-year-old runaway Isabel Carlota de Castilla as she forces her way onto a privateering ship, duels in fights to the death, and outsmarts her foe. All the while, she struggles with being the only woman aboard La Aguja. She can seek the captain, quartermaster, or bard of the ship to form alliances, or even closer connections... but beware, for even they hide dark secrets.



Isabel Carlota de Castilla ran from her life of luxury and high-society to escape a forced marriage. Will life on the sea be the freedom and refuge she desires, or will she learn the truth the hard way?

Love Interests


Half Scottish, half Spanish, and entirely charming. Lark is a hired Lutist whose job is to entertain the men—and he takes liberty to entertain the women, as well. His specialty is playing the lute.


Hailing from Puerto Rico, Captain Rico is no stranger to the sea. His kind and forgiving persona hides his secret past which granted him his scar. His specialty is sword fighting.


Flint is the ship’s quartermaster and protector. Fiercely loyal to the captain, Flint is equally distrustful of women. His specialty is gunnery.


  • 228K Words (12-20 hours)
  • Three Good Endings
  • Seven Bad Endings
  • Seven "Alternate" Endings
  • 7 CGs + 3 chibi CGs per route
  • Love, Friendship, and Personality Meters
  • Plenty of Piratey Adventures and Monkey Island Jokes!

Digital Bundle: Contains artbook, game guide, and full resolution CG wallpapers!

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Release date Sep 16, 2022
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(40 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Made withRen'Py
TagsAmare, Dating Sim, Female Protagonist, Historical, Meaningful Choices, Multiple Endings, Otome, Pirates, Romance, Swords
Average sessionA few seconds


Buy Now$14.99 USD or more

In order to download this visual novel you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $14.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

The Spanish Privateer 2.0 339 MB
Version 2

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The Spanish Privateer Demo.zip 165 MB

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Hi, I bought the game and DLC with the cheats on Steam. I cannot get Flint's good ending (and i followed the DLC guide step by step). One of my save's says "good ending" but then follows through with the bad ending 2. 

Appreciate any help with this issue!


Hi, there is one possibility to getting the bad ending two after getting the "good ending" save name: if you gave away all the coin & have a low friendship with Lark (or gave some and have a VERY low friendship with Lark). I downloaded a fresh game and followed the guide exactly and I was able to get the good ending (maybe use the accessibility version to help mitigate any possible mistakes), so give it one more try. If you miss even one choice, it will likely impact the ending you get because I wrote the route guide to reduce the number of saves and replaying needed, NOT to maximize love/friendships! 

Try "Don't leave any" instead of "Leave it all" but otherwise follow the guide and let me know if that works.

If you don't have any success, send me a message on Discord (natty11) and I can take a look at your save file and see what exactly is going on or provide a separate guide specifically for his good ending.

Ah okay! I thought anything before save 1 (decisions I made in the prologue) did not count toward any main route. I was able to get the good ending, thanks!

Hi, I bought the game on itch.io, and I didn't realize you had to pay for it on steam or kickstarter to get the game guide. It seems like since I've already gotten it on itch.io I would have to pay for the game again on either site to access the guide. is there any other way to buy it? thanks, it's really fun so far


Thank you for your support! The bundle/guide is available on Itch.io, but I realize that it's not easy to find, so I'll add a link in the main post. You can get it here!

thank you so much! I swear I looked for it 😂

so excited for this! does anyone else have issues opening the mac version of the game? 

Oh no, could you send me your Mac spec info?

Have you tried these steps:

1. Allow apps to be downloaded from anywhere from System Preferences.

2. Make sure to move the entire folder to the Applications section after extracting the .zip.

If that doesn't work, please let me know if you receive an error report, what it says, and what your OS is! Ren'Py officially supports Mac OS X 10.4+. If all this doesn't work, you can try using Wine to open the Windows version.

yup, i've followed these steps! even after i grant access to open the app under my Security & Privacy settings, the app won't open. the icon just bounces once. there's no error message.

i'm using Monterey (version 12.5.1). 



Hi! I'm a mac user as well and something that's worked for me is right click on the application and then click "Show Package Contents." After you do that, MacOS, then the exec file that says "TSP" and it should open! Let me know if this doesn't work.

The same thing has happened to me with a few apps so I found this workaround. All games run as normal even if I open them this way. Hope this helps! :)


this worked for me! thanks so much <3


Thanks for sharing that fix charybdis, and I'm glad it now works for you komorebii!

I remember being in high school when I played the first demo for this!! I'm in my second year of college now and I saw the release pop up in my feed. I'm so excited to play this, and congrats on the release :D


Thank you so much! It makes me happy to hear that :D I was in uni when I first joined the game jam, and now I've graduated! Time really flies :) I hope you enjoy! ♥


Oh my god, I came back here after year(s?) and I am so pleasently surprised to see how the game looks now! It's STUNNING, so happy to see it moved into such amazing direction and you are finishing it! It's a rare thing to see! Can't wait to play the full game, good luck with everything <3


Thank you so much! ♥ I can't believe it's been over three years! I'm so excited to be able to share the full game with everyone this autumn! ☺

Hi, yeah I was playing the game, and I think I downloaded the beta version. The pictures said 'locked for Alpha' and I simply couldn't get a good ending no matter what I did. Otherwise, the game is really good. The characters seem like actual people, with stories behind them. Even the main character is really enjoyable to play.


Oh no! The game currently only has an alpha demo available, however, you should be able to get onto the start of each route! There are only a few lines indicating which route you got at the moment, so you're not missing too much, but here are some tips:

  • Participate in battle with AND eat with the same guy (you will have to say no to Lark's offer in battle to get Flint's offer, etc.)
  • Accept their offers to spend more time with them
  • In general, Rico prefers bold answers, Flint prefers diplomatic, and Lark prefers humourous (there are exceptions, though!)
  • Consult the Friendship Meter from time to time to see how your standings are with the guys (the romance meter only matters for the full game). You can find this under the "Crew" section of the journal. The max fill for the demo is about half of the bar.
  • Lark's route is the easiest to get, then Flint, and finally Rico's.

Let me know if this helps! We're hoping to release the full game in about a year's time, so you can look for the release date around then. Thank you for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the demo! :D

oh, thank you I've been clicking everywhere. I'm just glad I downloaded the right game. Thank you and good luck on releasing the full game.


I just started playing this demo and i would like to suggest adding something so you know which options go to which stats? as someone who is autistic it's kind of hard for me to know which goes with which...


Thank you for playing our demo! If you're referring to the dialogue choices as "bold, aggressive, or diplomatic", sometimes we purposely make the options less obviously bold/aggressive/diplomatic to encourage players (neurotypical and otherwise) to choose what option they like best, rather than because the option is bold/aggressive/diplomatic. Also, it is worth noting that there are options that won't fall into these categories. However, upon release, there will be guides (including complete guides available via our upcoming Kickstarter) that will give complete details about which choices increase which stat, which should help.

If you're referring to something else, however, please let us know! Or if there are other options that would make your experience more enjoyable, we would love to hear.


Playing this while listening to sea shanties is just an amazing vibe (I would suggest "Soon May The Wellermen Come")

Great suggestion! I also recommend the Jimmie MacGregor rendition of "Henry Martin", as it's a song we may use in the full game ;)

ooooh a great choice👀 I will be definitely looking forward to seeing it (hearing it??) in the game~

I loved the demo when I played it ages ago, is the project still going ahead? :))


Hi! Thank you for your comment :) We actually have a Kickstarter live now! You can a copy of the game if you'd like. If the Kickstarter succeeds, our estimated date of release is approximately one year from now :)

Awesome, thanks for the update! :))


Any updates on this project? Still excited for it!


Thank you for your continued interest! No major updates yet, but it is still being worked on.  In terms of writing, Flint and Lark's routes are complete and Rico's currently has around 60K.

I'm sorry I completely forgot to reply >.<

But awesome, thanks for the update! Excited to hear more in the future!!!

(1 edit)

How have I not found this before- I'm playing the demo and love it - I especially love both Flint and Rico - From reading the descriptions and first meeting I was leaning more towards Flint but Rico and the main character have amazing banter. Props to whoever wrote those exchanges :D 

Edit: I also love the music and I'm assuming it was especially made for this visual novel as it seems pirate themed and I haven't heard it before while some other visual novels and games I've played use the same non licensed stuff. 

Hi! Glad to hear you enjoyed the demo and the banter! The music is actually free for non-commercial projects, some of it provided by Derek & Brandon Fiecher and the rest by Alcaknight! We were lucky to find such talented artists with pieces well-suited for the game. Finding royalty-free music suited for a pirate-themed game was tricky!


Do you guys have an update? Maybe even a release date?


The scripts for two of the routes are done, and the third (Rico's) is in progress! However, we won't be posting any updates until there is a major art update or something along those lines. Thank you for your continued support!


I LOVED THIS! Everything about it from the writing, to Isabel's personality was amazing! Please let us know anything we can do to support you guys! I'm definitely craving more. 


Thank you! We're happy you enjoyed it! The current writing schedule is looking at major progress up through November, so there should hopefully be an update around December or the New Year!

(1 edit) (+2)

Ok, so first of all- I just ADORE the artstyle, it's so pretty and I just love it so much! Second of all- may I just say that I instantly fell in love with Flint and Rico, They're both cute in their own different way.

And lastly, the writing, oh my god. The writing was so good.

I can't wait for more of this game! Will definitely  be looking out for it in the future. Good luck! 


Thank you for the feedback! We're so happy you enjoyed the demo. Progress is quiet, but still continuing! :) 

Really delightful demo ~ I had so much fun with the story and characters (all written SO well)!  I look forward seeing this project progress. :) 

Thank you for playing! I'm hoping to announce a progress update within the next month.

Just finished the whole demo in one sitting and I have to say; I am absolutely charmed by the characters, and the story is equally as enjoyable as well. Really looking forward to the full release of the game. Best of luck, devs!

Thank you for playing! We should hopefully have an update in the next few months.

hey how is progress?

Hi! Right now everything is on pause until May. I (the writer) am back in school for the time-being, but once I'm done I'll have time to continue writing and reassess the situation in terms of artwork etc. Thank you for your interest!

Loved this game! Nice  artworks, perfect storic background! Really like all the three guys. Kudos!

Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it!


I just finished the demo and I really liked it! I loved the characters and MC! I can't wait to play the full version! Do you have an estimated release date yet?

Thank you! I'm glad to hear that. We haven't estimated a release date yet, but we will announce it as soon as we have an idea!

This game is amazing!! Can't wait to play the full version!! Rico is so hunky!!!

Thank you! I think so too haha ;) 

Amazing demo! The guys are charming, and the protag is amazing. Can't wait for the full game!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it :)